Steamshot 13 – my WebXR entry to the 2024 js13kgames competition

I entered this years js13kgames competition. If you don’t know you have to create a game which when zipped has a file size no bigger than 13kb!! You can’t download online assets like images, sounds, libraries or fonts. Like last year I targeted the WebXR category. This allows an exception to the no libraries rule …

The ThreeJS Primer Discount Sale!

To celebrate the launch of my beginners guide to ThreeJS e-book, The ThreeJS Primer. All my Udemy ThreeJS courses are Udemy best price. Click the links to grab yourself a bargain. Model viewer: Web 3D made easy Learn to write JavaScript code while having fun making 3D web games using the most popular Open Source …

Nik’s February Shader Course SALE!!!

Want to learn to create Shaders? Well you’ve picked the right time. My courses that contain lectures on coding Shaders are all Udemy best price for the next few days. A Complete Guide to Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline As Unity gradually switches to URP from the Built-in Render Pipeline, it’s time to learn the new …

Udemy Unity courses at sale price

To celebrate finishing the second draft of my new Unity DOTS e-book, I’m having a sale of my Udemy Unity courses. Use the coupon code DEC23_BEST, or click the links below, to get the best price on Udemy for these courses over the next few days. Unity DOTS is an acronym for Data-oriented Technology Stack, …

Three.JS using NPM and vite

For all of my courses I include the Three.JS library I used at the time I was writing and recording the course. This ensures the code matches the library so no further installation is required other than downloading and unzipping a zip file from Udemy or GitHub or cloning and forking a repo from GitHub. …

WebGL in a nutshell

In this article we’ll look at using WebGL to display a Quad, a rectangle, that fills the window. If you want to code-along then check out the CodePen-start link. Here is the final version. / It’s a very simple shader just using uv to blend the colours. This article isn’t about the shader, it’s about …

My Udemy Unity courses are best price through to Tuesday

Unity have just contracted me to write their DOTS, Data Orientated Technology Stack e-book. To celebrate I thought I’d have a sale of my Unity courses. They’ll be at the best price on Udemy through to Tuesday. Time to grab a bargain! A Complete Guide to Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline As Unity gradually switches to …

js13kgame competition 2023 diary

I’m entering the js13kgames competition this year. Here’s my diary. Here’s the code on GitHub.And here’s the game. I’m semi-retired having worked with real-time 3d for nearly 30 years. I create video courses mainly teaching game programming. js13kgames post-mortem page 13th August The theme of this years competition is announced. 13th century. I gave it …

The Universal Render Pipeline Cookbook: Recipes for Shaders and Visual Effects

The latest cookbook, I’ve written for Unity is now live. It is all about Universal Render Pipeline (URP) effects and is now available to download for free. The e-book provides 12 recipes for popular visual effects that can be applied to a wide range of games, art styles, and platforms. Get ready to cook up Renderer Features, …