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Welcome. If you want to know a little more about the guy behind the courses.

The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS
The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS

I started writing code in the early 80s using a Sinclair Spectrum. Starting with Sinclair Basic and eventually moving onto Z80 Assembly language. Professionally I was a cartoon animator at the time running a small production company called Catalyst Pictures Ltd. An interest in electronics led to automating a rostrum camera with stepper motors all run from a Sinclair Spectrum. A Commodore Amiga followed and then inevitably a Windows PC. More recently code has tended to be browser based using ThreeJS, iOS/Android apps and games.

I retired from full time work in March 2017 and have been tinkering since.

Running a CodeClub in Saddleworth, UK. Playing with Machine Learning and WebXR. Tinkering with Raspberry PI, Arduino and Micro:bits, making a 5″ scale steam train and constructing a tree house from felled beech trees.

On this site I show the courses I’ve developed, there’s a blog about my tinkering and I contribute the odd tutorial on how to go about some of the things I’ve been messing with.