Learn Unity Shaders from Scratch FREE for 3 days

I’ve been commissioned by Unity to write their URP shaders e-book. A comprehensive guide to migrating from built-in to URP rendering. Once complete I will be creating a video course based on the content.

Time to increase my Unity students.

My Unity shaders course, rated at over 4.6, is available free for the next 3 days. Here’s the link


please share with your friends.

What students say about the course

Great course. Took this as a refresher to get back into shaders. Everything you need is provided. Both starting scenes for each lecture and also completed ones if you get stuck with code errors. Nice learning curve. Everything is well explained. No long boring slideshows. Also plenty of challenges, which I like and find very useful in assisting your learning. Very clear audio and code. So no problems following along and plenty to take in. Also Nicholas is very helpful with your Q&A’s. Highly recommended.”

“The information presented in this course is fantastic. The tutor has a great personality, and I can’t stress enough how enjoyable he makes this course.”

It is fantastic. You need a little bit of math to understand it better but with attention and repetition it will be easy to anyone. Thanks a lot professor!”




CannonJS – live stream

I’m doing a live stream on Saturday 31st July US: 8:00am PDT, 11am EDT – UK 4pm BST – India 8:30pm IST

The topic is using the new fork of the physics library CannonJS, CannonES with the popular Open Source WebGL library ThreeJS. You’ll learn how to use the library to create one of the games from my latest course. https://bit.ly/3ds-games-course

Make a date in your diaryhttps://rb.gy/nj9y2j

The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS NOW LIVE!

It took a long time but I’m pleased to say my latest course is now live.

The JavaScript programming language is probably the most popular programming language in the world. Companies all around the globe require developers who are proficient with this language. The best way to learn the language is to have fun while you’re doing it. In this course I teach you about the language then apply your new skills to create three games.

Along the way you’ll also learn to use the 3D application program Blender to prepare your 3D assets for the games you develop.

Once you’ve completed the course you’ll be super ready for any challenges an employer throws your way when writing JavaScript code. But the main thing is you’ll have developed your much in-demand skills while having fun making games.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get on with the fun.

The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS

It’s hard to survive long now the bad guys are smart! The AI is pretty effective. Can you shoot the 4 NPCs before they get you?

‘The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS’ launches soon. Preregister for a discount launch coupon https://forms.gle/vKU2N2ZxUkHDpFrY6

All course examples https://niksgames.com/threejs-games-course/

Fun with WebXR

Currently well into the research side of my latest Udemy course. ‘Learn to Create WebXR web pages using THREE.js‘. WebXR is a API that is close to full approval by the w3c. It is currently fully supported by Chrome on medium cost and above Android devices, and via an emulator on desktops using Chrome. If you have a headset it is supported by the Oculus and Firefox Reality browsers.

So what is WebXR, it is an API to support VR and AR in the browser. VR and AR have been widely talked about over many years and have always promised more than they have delivered. But the technology to have a good experience is now in the hands of a great many people via their mobile phone. But few of them can be bothered to install apps unless they are gamers. This is where the WebXR API can deliver. AR is just a web click away, so seeing that furniture in your own living room is possible, the API can even detect the lighting levels.

On the VR side, a simple Google Cardboard device, a very cheap headset that you place your mobile phone in, will get you started with the technology and seeing your creations in real immersive 3D is mesmerising.