Just created a new CodePen collection that shows how to use CannonJS with ThreeJS to create an 8-ball Pool Game. The pens will feature in my live-stream on Saturday.
Author archives: niklever
CannonJS – live stream
I’m doing a live stream on Saturday 31st July US: 8:00am PDT, 11am EDT – UK 4pm BST – India 8:30pm IST The topic is using the new fork of the physics library CannonJS, CannonES with the popular Open Source WebGL library ThreeJS. You’ll learn how to use the library to create one of the …
The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS NOW LIVE!
It took a long time but I’m pleased to say my latest course is now live. The JavaScript programming language is probably the most popular programming language in the world. Companies all around the globe require developers who are proficient with this language. The best way to learn the language is to have fun while …
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The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS
It’s hard to survive long now the bad guys are smart! The AI is pretty effective. Can you shoot the 4 NPCs before they get you? ‘The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS’ launches soon. Preregister for a discount launch coupon https://forms.gle/vKU2N2ZxUkHDpFrY6 All course examples https://niksgames.com/threejs-games-course/
The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS
My latest course is getting close to going live. “The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS’. You’ll learn JavaScript, ThreeJS and CannonJS all while having fun making games. Hope to be live by the end of June. Pre-registration coming soon.
Immerse into WebXR
Save the date, 15th May 2021, 3pm UK time, 10am EDT, 7am PDT, IST 7:30pm. I’m doing a live stream on using ThreeJS to create an immersive experience. Zoom link one week before. #webxr #quest
Add AR to an online shop using WebXR and ThreeJS
Just added a new tutorial about using WebXR AR for an online shop. For more WebXR examples visit this page.
Unity ComputeShaders course completed
I’ve been working on a course about writing ComputeShaders on the Unity platform for the last 4 months. Excited to say it is finally complete.
Fun with WebXR
Currently well into the research side of my latest Udemy course. ‘Learn to Create WebXR web pages using THREE.js‘. WebXR is a API that is close to full approval by the w3c. It is currently fully supported by Chrome on medium cost and above Android devices, and via an emulator on desktops using Chrome. If …
Updated my YouTube Channel
I’ve adde a few videos from my latest course to my YouTube channel. https://tinyurl.com/y7xrzho3