It’s a great time to grab one of my courses.
A Complete Guide to Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline
As Unity gradually switches to URP from the Built-in Render Pipeline, it’s time to learn the new techniques from the author of Unity’s URP e-books.
Create WebXR, VR and AR app, using the Wonderland Engine
Wonderland is a high performance engine for WebXR apps. The editor makes creating VR experiences super-easy. In this course I show you how.
Model viewer: Web 3D made easy
Learn to write JavaScript code while having fun making 3D web games using the most popular Open Source WebGL library ThreeJS
The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS
Learn to write JavaScript code while having fun making 3D web games using the most popular Open Source WebGL library ThreeJS
Learn to write Unity Compute Shaders
Learn to harness the power of the GPU for processing intensive jobs.
Learn Unity Shaders from Scratch
Learn the black-art of Unity shaders in this comprehensive course on HLSL.
Learn to Create WebXR, VR and AR, experiences with ThreeJS
Learn how to create VR and AR experiences that work directly from the browser, using the latest API from Google and Amazon and our favourite Open Source WebGL library, ThreeJS
Learn GLSL Shaders from Scratch
Learn how to harness the power of the GPU in your web pages by learning to code GLSL shaders.
Create a 3D Multi-Player Game using ThreeJS and SocketIO
Learn how to use nodeJS, socketIO and ThreeJS to create a 3d multi-player game
Create HTML5 Games using Adobe Animate
Adobe Animate used to be Flash. Learn how you can use your Flash skills to create HTML5 games that use no plugins.
Create a 3D Car Racing Game with ThreeJS and CannonJS
Learn to combine the physics engine CannonJS and ThreeJS to create a fun car racing game
Create a 3D RPG Game with ThreeJS
Learn how to harness the ThreeJS library to create a 3D RPG game
HTML5 Game Development: Beginner to Pro
Learn how to create 2D games that work in the browser. From card games to puzzle games to action games.